I can't stop making bad decisions. God help us all.
For the past year I've done nothing but bad decisions. Every single choice I've had to make has yielded the worst results, yet the only person I can hold accountable is myself. Well, I suppose I've taken my fair share of peer pressure and bad advice as well, but still. To get into a relationship, give up my job AND my damn apartment and to burn all the bridges with my old friends. And for what? Why? Some of the choices I can easily pinpoint to a different era of my life and an attempt to pursue the same goals I had years earlier, when the conditions were different. Those old solutions do not work for new problems however.
And most recently. I had to do a rough price estimate for a client. Despite my best attempts I couldn't reasonably justify a high initial offer. Yet after having added up the cost of the equipment and rentals, it still came short. It will be nowhere near profitable, yet will cost a lot of time and leave little in terms of gains. A promise is a promise, I will have to deliver. But I won't be getting anything out of it in the process. So I'm hoping the project falls through.
Please don't make me decide anything anytime soon. I will fuck this up.
esmaspäev, 18. juuli 2016
teisipäev, 5. juuli 2016
eat the frog
Eelmisel reedel sain töönädala lõpetuseks mõnusa ootamatu uudise kaela - nimelt oli mind ootamatult vaja nädalavahetuseks baari appi. See uudis tuli üsna halva ajastusega, kuna olin end lasknud nädalavaheuseks ka teise baari tööle panna. Lisaks oli olnud eelviimane nädal, masinad ei toiminud korralikult ning üle kõige oleks mul olnud tarvis vaid puhata. Elus täielikult pettununa läksin reede õhul koju ja leidsin eest tühja korteri, kuna neiu oli sõbrannadega välja läinud.
Ja ma läksin magama. Ja see oli fantastiline.
Ja siis järgmisel päeval mõistsin, et fuckit, i'll make the best of it. Virisemisest pole kasu, sest tingimused sellest ei muutu.
Ja ma läksin magama. Ja see oli fantastiline.
Ja siis järgmisel päeval mõistsin, et fuckit, i'll make the best of it. Virisemisest pole kasu, sest tingimused sellest ei muutu.
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