reede, 2. september 2016

You do you

Man, you are here because of your decisions. This is exactly what you wanted. Otherwise you would have made different decisions.

Or maybe, just maybe you took advice from the wrong fucking people and now are suffering because of that?

I don't fucking know, how could I, I'm just a blog. Make up your damn mind already.

kolmapäev, 24. august 2016

esmaspäev, 18. juuli 2016

Decisions 2016

I can't stop making bad decisions. God help us all.

For the past year I've done nothing but bad decisions. Every single choice I've had to make has yielded the worst results, yet the only person I can hold accountable is myself. Well, I suppose I've taken my fair share of peer pressure and bad advice as well, but still. To get into a relationship, give up my job AND my damn apartment and to burn all the bridges with my old friends. And for what? Why? Some of the choices I can easily pinpoint to a different era of my life and an attempt to pursue the same goals I had years earlier, when the conditions were different. Those old solutions do not work for new problems however.

And most recently. I had to do a rough price estimate for a client. Despite my best attempts I couldn't reasonably justify a high initial offer. Yet after having added up the cost of the equipment and rentals, it still came short. It will be nowhere near profitable, yet will cost a lot of time and leave little in terms of gains. A promise is a promise, I will have to deliver. But I won't be getting anything out of it in the process. So I'm hoping the project falls through.

Please don't make me decide anything anytime soon. I will fuck this up.

teisipäev, 5. juuli 2016

eat the frog

Eelmisel reedel sain töönädala lõpetuseks mõnusa ootamatu uudise kaela - nimelt oli mind ootamatult vaja nädalavahetuseks baari appi. See uudis tuli üsna halva ajastusega, kuna olin end lasknud nädalavaheuseks ka teise baari tööle panna. Lisaks oli olnud eelviimane nädal, masinad ei toiminud korralikult ning üle kõige oleks mul olnud tarvis vaid puhata. Elus täielikult pettununa läksin reede õhul koju ja leidsin eest tühja korteri, kuna neiu oli sõbrannadega välja läinud.

Ja ma läksin magama. Ja see oli fantastiline.

Ja siis järgmisel päeval mõistsin, et fuckit, i'll make the best of it. Virisemisest pole kasu, sest tingimused sellest ei muutu.

reede, 20. mai 2016

Fubar 2.0

Mul on veidi kahju, et mu eilne eepiline rant blogisse ära kustus. Kui tavaliselt tundub hea lasta mõned mõtted lihtsalt minema voolata, on seekord mul isegi kahju, et kogu see konserveeritud sisemine sapp paberi peal kirja ei saanud.

Tl;dr i have wasted my whole life. My life is meaningless.

teisipäev, 17. mai 2016

Port Authority

Minu geniaalses Ameerika turismireisi plaanis on vaid üks pisike auk - majutus. Ma olin selle pisiasja sootuks viimaseks jätnud. Tegin aasta alguses researchi ära neli kuud ette ja siis nüüd avastasin, et hindadel on vastavalt nõudlusele tendents muutuda. Ups.

Tundub, et ka parimate arvutuste kohaselt ei tuleks säästutripist säästutripp. Ja päris full-on rikkuritripiks mul vahendeid pole. Mis toobki tõsiasjani, et ehk peaks oma ressursse kuidagi arukamalt kasutama?

Mäletan, kui eelmine aasta emaga euroopas sai tripitud, olin uhke, et olin paar sotti kõrvale pannud ja ei pidanud otseselt raha pärast põdema (va. need pagana rongipiletid). Seekord on kogunenud veidi suurem ja üsna substantial summa, mille iga ratsionaalne inimene investeeriks hoopis oma karjääri edendamisse. Kuid peale umbes 13 kuud 40 tundi nädalas pausideta dead-end töö peal rügamist... all i want is a vacation.

And fuck no am I sleeping in no damn hostel. I'm an adult.

image courtesy of Graphic Stamps by Unit Editions (via WeTransfer)

reede, 13. mai 2016

An exciting fear

So I accidentally quit my job today. The boss lady came over to tell me how one of the workers had quit and how we could handle the vacation process and... I slyly dropped the bomb. It felt akward. Awkwardly liberating.

I can't remember the last time grass smelled that fresh, the air buzzing from anticipation, sizzling in my hair. It was an incredible, undescribable sense of freedom, combined with a sense of fear about the future.

But it was an exciting fear.

teisipäev, 26. aprill 2016

halfway homeless

There's no nice way of putting this, but for the very first time in my life it's either one friend or the other, no middle path. No compromise. There can only be one.

One of them is my on-again-off-again girlfriend whom I've tried to dump for months, only to be pulled back even stronger. The other is my best friend, a person who could read my thoughts without me even having them, yet has recently been very obsessive, bitter and judgmental - not quite the vibes I need in my life.

I'm not quite ready to let go but we are drifting apart, so fast, so hard. Thankfully I have a harbor.

neljapäev, 7. aprill 2016

Relationshit problems

People get into relationships for mainly two reasons - they either like the convenience or they really like the other person.

Why am I in a relationship?

esmaspäev, 21. märts 2016

anna aega atra seada

Inimesed küsivad minult tihti, et mis mu plaan on või mida ma teha kavatsen. Ja ma ei saa neile midagi vastata, sest mul pole olnud aega selliste asjade peale mõelda. Kogu viimase aja käitumine on olnud pigem reageerimine, kui et planeerimine.

Mul oleks veidi privaatsust vaja, et asjad läbi mõelda. Asju hakkab juhtuma.

kolmapäev, 9. märts 2016


I don't have the time, energy or necessary means to feed someones ego.

neljapäev, 25. veebruar 2016

Kobayashi Maru

What a bitch of a morning.

Kui su elus on kaks inimest, kes mõlemad tahavad mingil põhjusel samal toolil istuda ja sa sellest hoolimata üritad kompromissi leida... ja seda lihtsalt ei ole?

Lose-lose situation.