neljapäev, 23. aprill 2015
One of You!
Lugupeetud XXXX, XXXX
Alates 01.07.2014 peavad kõik tööandjad oma töötajad registreerima Maksu- ja Tolliameti töötamise registris.
Seoses sellega anname Teile teada, et XXXXXX OÜ on registreerinud Teid töötamise registris alates 09.04.2015.
e-maksuameti/e-tolli rubriigist "Töötamine ja väljamaksed" saate ülevaate, kas tööandja on Teile tehtud väljamaksed deklareerinud ja maksud tasunud.
Maksu- ja Tolliamet
pühapäev, 5. aprill 2015
this is a headline
So. After months of self-pity, feelings of inadequacy and completely letting myself go and becoming detached from my surrounding environment in disappointment... I got offered a job. The kind that I would have gladly taken a few months ago and am currently quite desperate for. And yet I'm feeling more anxious than ever, completely refusing to figure out whether I should take the offer. Because the job is as dead-end as it gets.
It's warm. It's comfortable. It's easy. And it leads nowhere. I've been down that road long enough to know that.
And yet. It is logical. Since I've depleted most of my other options and completely wreaked havoc on my ability to get anything done at all, having a simple carrot and stick environment might be a good move to practice some discipline (disclaimer: my mind wondered off in the midst of writing that sentence for a few hours, so I've no idea what I've just written). It would also help to recuperate some losses in my finances and help me get things moving in any direction.
Pros: money, stability, a sense of purpose, discipline, cool toys
Cons: missing out on other opportunities, loss of freedom (either of which have done any good for me), a bummer summer
What the hell am I saying, I've spent now nearly two years pretty much unemployed and it sucks balls. All that freedom and multitude of options has done me no courtesy whatsoever. If for nothing less than that, I have to take that job to be able to get fired glamorously.
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